A greener territory is a better territory
Let’s take care of it together
Let’s protect the territory of the “Selva of Castelfidardo”
In Castelfidardo there is one of the most important residual forests in the Marche, the Selva of Castelfidardo. This special place is bordered by urbanized environments that threaten its survival.The organically managed olive grove, on the southern side of the Selva, is a key protection strip for the safeguard of the forest and its fauna.
We have been protecting the Selva from urbanization for more than 20 years to ensure respect for diverse ecosystems.
Organic farming
The organically managed olive grove creates a protective strip between the forested environment of the Selva and the man-made areas surrounding it.
Wild Fauna
The animals of the Selva have ensure conditions for the maintenance of their natural habitat.
Have you received an olive tree adoption as a gift?
Click on the button below to enter the adoption code and activate your adoption
Adopt an olive tree in the Selva of Castelfidardo.
Choose from three native varieties facing extinction in the Marche Region. Through your contribution you will help us safeguard the biodiversity of the Selva of Castelfidardo.
Click on one of the 3 olive varieties available for adoption
piantone di Mogliano
Adopt an olive tree in the Selva of Castelfidardo
Choose from three native varieties facing extinction in the Marche Region. Through your contribution you will help us safeguard the biodiversity of the Selva of Castelfidardo.
piantone di Mogliano
Types of adoption
You can choose how to take care of the Selva of Castelfidardo area by selecting one of three levels of adoption (Friend 30€, Supporter 50€ and Guardian 80€) for each of the olive varieties in the organically managed olive grove.
Certificate of adoption
Tag with your name on the tree
Constant update on the growth stages of your olive tree
Participation in the collective harvest day
Handcrafted olive wood key ring
Certificate of adoption
Tag with your name on the tree
Constant update on the growth stages of your olive tree
Participation in the collective harvest day
100g extra organic jam trio
Certificate of adoption
Tag with your name on the tree
Constant update on the growth stages of your olive tree
Participation in the collective harvest day
210g extra organic jam trio